July 26, 2024


2020-21 Contest Schedule

Want to prepare your picture entries as well as see when competition victors are introduced? Here’s a peek at the competition routine for this period.

Photo Contest

Category 1:

Birds with Food, or at the Feeder

Show us your starving birds!

Submission & & ballot:
November 16- 26

Winners: December 4

Category 2:

It’s aNumbers Game

How lots of types can you enter one picture?Show us the variety that involves your feeder.

Submission & & ballot:
November 30 -December 10

Winners: December 18

Category 3:

Birds in(* ), waving, rising; reveal us birds on the wing.Flight

Diving & & ballot:

Submission 14 –
December 24 December:

Winners 1 January 4:

Category the

Habitat Around us birds in the environment you develop around your house.Home

Show & & ballot:

Submission 28 –
December 7 January:

Winners 15 January 5:

Category you have a humorous picture of your feeder site visitors?

Avian Antics

Do that laugh-out-loud fired!Share & & ballot:

Submission 11-
January 21January:

Winners 29 January 6:

Category the soft colors of women birds!

Fantastic Females

Celebrating & & ballot:

Submission 25-
January 4February:

Winners 12 February 7:

Category a picture of the types you are most thrilled to see at your feeders!

Your Favorite Feeder Bird

Share & & ballot:

Submission 8-
February 18February:

Winners 26 February 8:

Category deep wintertime, all of us value a little shade.

Rainbow Birds

In’s see some yellows, reds, blues as well as oranges!Let & & ballot:

Submission 22 –
February 4March:

Winners 5March:

8 –

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March 18March:

Winners 19March 1

Data Entry Contest


Submission 16 –
November 10December:

Winner 11December are you most thrilled for throughout this period of

What See? Feeder us why you like to get involved!Tell 2


Submission 11 –
December 7January:

Winner 8January are lots of methods to enhance environment for wild animals.

There do you do to make your yard a place for your bird pals?What 3


Submission 8 –
January 4February:

Winner 5February’s your favored bird to see at your feeders?

What you wait all period for a glance of it, or does it come on a daily basis? Do with us what makes that types so unique to see at your feeders!Share 4


Submission 5 –
February 4March:

Winner 5March are plentiful at our feeder websites, whether it is acrobatic squirrels or awkward birds.

Antics a laugh-out-loud minute.Share See in the

Feeder victors introduced Classroom

Schools 25, December 22, as well as January 19February www.allaboutbirds.org