July 24, 2024


RSPB Scotland is asking every person to maintain their eyes peeled off for among the UK’s rarest predators as they go back to their reproducing premises this springtime.

Buzzard, kestrel … or chicken harrier?

Hen harriers are medium-sized predators, comparable to a buzzard yet with a somewhat slimmer look, with lengthy wings as well as a lengthy tail. Female as well as young chicken harriers are polychromatic brownish as well as lotion with straight red stripes on their tails. The most striking function is the spot of white at their rump. Males are somewhat smaller sized as well as light grey with black wingtips. Both have a round, owl-like face.

As the weather condition heats up, these birds are ending up being a lot more noticeable as they begin their lengthy trips far from their winter season roosting premises as well as approximately the moors to reproduce. Hen harriers’ nest on the ground among heather or soft enter upland locations. You perhaps even fortunate adequate to experience their skydancing screen, an excessive airborne program of rolls as well as dives, carried out by either the man as well as woman to note their region as well as show their vitality.

Hen Harrier, copyright Gary Thoburn, from the surfbirds galleries

Hen harriers are the UK’s a lot of maltreated predator about its populace dimension. Their Scottish populace is of international significance, yet it stays much from secure mostly as an outcome of prohibited murder by people.

The RSPB’s Jenni Burrell stated: “We are getting in touch with the general public to email our Hen Harrier Hotline if they think they have actually seen a chicken harrier. This aids us construct an image of where these birds are. Please do not wait to call us if you see them – – we invite any kind of discoveries as well as value your time.

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“Hen harriers are stunning as well as evasive raptors as well as, unlike peregrines as well as kestrels, they are seldom seen in city settings. So if it’s set down on your fencing, it’s most likely a sparrowhawk, if it remains in a tree by the roadside, it’s most likely a kestrel or a buzzard … yet if it mores than harsh field or moorland, as well as matches the summary over, after that you could have seen a chicken harrier.

“Sadly chicken harriers are a lengthy means from getting to a healthy and balanced, self-sufficient populace, as well as this is mostly to mistreatment by people. Particularly where land is handled for the function of driven grumble capturing, all-natural killers like chicken harriers can be considered as bugs as well as, regardless of being legitimately secured, the capturing, capturing as well as poisoning of chicken harriers is a major as well as recurring trouble.”

If you assume you have actually seen a chicken harrier, please e-mail: henharriers@rspb.org.uk

Please consist of the day, time, location/grid referral as well as a summary of the bird.

Source www.surfbirds.com