July 20, 2024


The body billed with “preserving, boosting and also handling the natural surroundings for the advantage of existing and also future generations” is being criticised for its absence of openness bordering the loss of 3 satellite-tagged Hen Harriers.

The 3 birds became part of the 2020 associate of 9 chicks satellite-tagged as component of the questionable method of ‘brood monitoring’, or ‘brood meddling’ as it has actually come to be understand to numerous opposed to the system.

The details regarding the all 3 loss just emerged complying with a liberty of details demand from guardian Dr.Ruth Tingay that runs the Raptor Persecution UK blog site. This has actually led numerous to wonder about why Natural England has actually not been even more upcoming with the details on missing out on birds.

One of the missing out on birds was initially gotten rid of from a nest in North Yorkshire and also identified on 11 July 2020. His tag’s last well-known repair got on 20th September 2020, right beside a grouse moor in North Yorkshire.

Another, a young women offered the name ‘Fortune’, was identified on 15th June 2020 at a nest website inNorthumberland Her last tag repair originated from an unrevealed website in Northumberland which Natural England claim is a vital Hen Harrier roost.

Hen Harrier, copyright Dean Eades, from the surfbirds galleries

The 3rd ‘missing out on’ bird is ‘Harold’, that was identified in the Yorkshire Dales in June 2020. His last repair placement originated from a grouse moor in between Kirkby Stephen and alsoRavenseat This coincides area where a young Hen harrier called ‘Dryad’ went missing out on in September 2020. Bizarrely Harold was fitted with a satellite tag that has actually formerly been determined as unstable. This design of tag was gotten rid of from the brood monitoring test at the persistence of the clinical advising team.

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Writing regarding the loss Dr.Tingay claimed: “this details has actually needed to be dragged out of Natural England using a Freedom of Information demand.” And on the loss of ‘Harold’ she asked: “why the heck is Natural England still utilizing this tag on various other Hen harriers?”

Natural England gave no substantial remark complying with the information of the missing out on birds. They tweeted a short message on Tuesday night to claim “We are presently dealing with neighborhood authorities to check out a missing out on chicken harrier in the Yorkshire location. Raptor oppression, including of chicken harriers, is a nationwide wild animals criminal activity top priority. We would certainly prompt any individual experiencing or thinking oppression to get in touch with the authorities.”

Former leader of the Green Party and also currently an energetic peer in The House of Lords, Natalie Bennett tweeted to Natural England asking “why @naturalengland did it take an FOI to obtain this details”. They really did not respond.

Director of Derbyshire Wildlife Trust Tim Birch claimed on Twitter: “Here we go once more, harder activity required. Our uplands are fatality catches for our predators and also National Parks use no security for them. Time to reconsider what our Uplands are for in 2021.”

The loss of these 3 birds indicates that there are currently 48 Hen Harriers ‘missing out on’ or verified unlawfully eliminated because 2018. Given that there are just the birds we understand around, it is a really surprising number and also once more casts doubt on regarding why Natural England are remaining to deal with a market associated with what shows up to arranged wild animals criminal activity in Britain’s countryside.

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Source www.surfbirds.com