July 23, 2024


In September 2020, Anahita the three-month-old Egyptian Vulture Neophron percnopterus left the Balkans on her very first movement trip. We understand this due to the fact that she was using a satellite tag fitted by BSPB (BirdLife in Bulgaria). At the exact same time as suitable the tag, BSPB offered Anahita’s moms and dads a foster chick, Neli, hatched out by their restricted reproduction program in an additional initiative to boost the Endangered types’ populace *.

Anahita, called after the old Persian siren of fertility, water, recovery as well as knowledge, triggered to a certain begin. Within a couple of days she had actually been identified by Do ğa Derne ği (BirdLife in Turkey) as she dove over their monitoring website. Do ğa Derne ği emailed BSPB, verifying all was well. Everything looked established for her to get here in below-Saharan Africa in time for winter months.

But on simply the 6th day of her trip, in a town to the west of Mount Lebanon, the tracker instantly went still. BSPB team viewed with sinking hearts as the tag quit transferring for some time, prior to being relocated to an area 300 metres away– a telltale indicator that Anahita had actually most likely been fired.

Frantically, BSPB called SPNL (BirdLife in Lebanon). Adonis Khatib, head of SPNL’s anti-poaching system, acted quickly along with the safety pressures. Driving throughout the nation, he came to the town in the nick of time: Anahita had actually been fired, severely, with a busted wing as well as a body filled by 13 pellets– yet she lived. What’s much more, she was being looked after by the young kid of the male that had actually discovered her, that was trying to feed her a dead serpent.

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Relieved to find her alive, field offiver Maher Osta examines Anahita's leg © Adonis Khatib

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Khatib hurried the troubling Anahita to a veterinarian, and after that to the closest ideal sanctuary: an aviary that SPNL generally utilized to reproduce as well as launch Syrian Serin Serinus syriacus (Vulnerable), a little finch. Staff swiftly customized the aviary to provide for a bigger bird, as well as Anahita started her healing.

Soon, word of Anahita’s tale spread throughout social networks. People started speaking to SPNL, inquiring to assist various other migratory birds that had actually been obliterated– consisting of cranes, Black Kites Milvus migrans as well as a pelican. Two cranes signed up with Anahita in the aviary, among which has actually currently been launched right into the wild. Inspired by this, SPNL, with aid from BSPB, is currently transforming the aviary right into a bird rescue centre to supply skilled look after even more migratory birds.

Sadly, it ended up that Anahita would certainly never ever fly once more. But her tale– as well as her trip– does not finish there. In maintaining with her name, the siren of fertility, she will certainly quickly be returning to Bulgaria, where she will certainly sign up with BSPB’s restricted reproducing program as well as hatch out the future generation of Egyptian marauders. When you have good friends monitoring you, you do not constantly require wings to fly.

* Do ğa Derne ği belongs to the Egyptian Vulture: New LIFE task, a collaboration with the Hellenic Ornithological Society (BirdLife in Greece), RSPB (BirdLife in the UK), BirdLife Africa as well as BirdLife Middle East to guard the types on every action of its movement trip.

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Source www.birdlife.org