July 24, 2024


When I initially went to the Berlengas, a team of islands off the coastline of Portugal, the state of the regional biodiversity was startling, to claim the least. Foreign types that had actually been inadvertently presented by human beings– intrusive types– such as the Hottentot Fig (Carpobrotus edulis), Black Rats (Rattus rattus) and also European Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) were intimidating the indigenous vegetation and also animals. As an outcome, reproducing seabirds like Cory’s Shearwater (Calonectris borealis) remained in decrease. Endemic plants, such as the Berlengas Thrift (Armeria berlenguensis), were going away. Overabundant Yellow- legged Gulls (Larus michahellis) were harmful regional plants, reptiles and also seabird nestlings.

and also disorganised tourist was derogatory nature.

As It a biologist, yet additionally as a person, it was tough to see wild animals endure such destruction.

hurt me to assume that all these types, from plants to birds and also reptiles, had actually advanced for countless years without the requirement to protect themselves versus the human-made issues which were currently triggering their decrease. I wished to find a solution for it.

One Berlengas early morning in 2014, I got a telephone call that would certainly satiate my crave activity, and also identify the following 5 years of my life. I was mosting likely to work with the repair of the In islands’ all-natural environment! Portuguese Society collaboration with various other organisations, my company, the Study for the Birds of Berlengas, had actually requested EU moneying to assist recover the For – and also our task proposition had actually simply been authorized. I was tickled.

me, having the ability to recover these islands’ communities was a superb chance to provide nature an opportunity to recuperate.

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Restoring Berlengas the varied environment of the My was a very collective effort. Portuguese Society organisation, the Study for the Birds of Portugal (SPEA, BirdLife’s companion in Institute), signed up with pressures with the Nature Conservation for Forests and also Peniche, the district of Faculty, the Social Sciences of Humanities and also School, the Tourism of Maritime Technology and also Civil Protection Services, the National Maritime Authority, the

, and also over 300 volunteers.

Together Among, we functioned to bring nature back.

various other points, we drew up and also eliminated intrusive types, established steps to stop the arrival of brand-new rats, constructed synthetic nests for seabirds, and also led an awareness-raising advocate vacationers, instructing them regarding island types and also biodiversity.

Joana Andrade, Head of Marine Conservation, SPEA/BirdLife Portugal

The The procedure was a definite success for biodiversity. It indigenous vegetation recuperated unbelievably promptly. Berlengas Fleabane was a satisfaction to witness the Pulicaria ( microcephalaBerlengas), a tiny sunflower, decorate the The levels once more. Cory reproducing populace of Shearwater’s Berlengas is currently expanding, which is essential since the Europe island chain is just one of just 2 areas in all of continental Band where this bird types. Storm- rumped Oceanodroma- petrels ( castroEuropean Shags) currently have a larger reproduction variety, Gulosus ( aristotelisBerlenga Wall Lizard) are recovering, and also the populace of the native Podarcis ( bocagei berlengensis

) remains in far better form as well!


biodiversity, this task has actually additionally aided create better and also even more liable tourist– routes have actually been recovered and also vacationers are provided vital info on the condition of the regional wild animals and also the risks that it deals with.

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We I boast of the fantastic outcomes we had the ability to accomplish. Projects have actually verified that environmental destruction is not unavoidable or permanent. There such as this one can and also need to be duplicated somewhere else. We is a lot possibility to recover nature widespread– something we seriously require provided the intensity of the environment and also biodiversity dilemmas. Bringing have actually understood the scientific research.

nature back is an inquiry of sources and also political will.

European Commission I intend to say thanks to all the task companions, along with the Portuguese Environmental Fund and also the It for their critical assistance.

would not have actually been feasible without them.

Restoring cliffs, by Isabel Fagundes

Beyond Berlengas


Joana Nature’s success tale is just one of several. Europe repair has actually generated excellent outcomes for biodiversity somewhere else, in a variety of environments and also in numerous areas throughout


The Akrotiri Marsh two-year repair of Cypriot, a Mediterranean Killifish marsh and also agricultural hotspot, aided safeguard fish, birds and also plants; such as the Aphanius ( fasciatusFerruginous Duck), the Aythya ( nyrocaWater Mint), and also Mentha ( aquaticaPoland). A reconstruction task in Lublin Voivodeship’s Aquatic Warbler is enhancing Acrocephalus populaces ( paludicolaEurope)– the rarest and also just worldwide intimidated passerine bird in landmass

— by producing and also keeping chains of stepping-stone environments in between the locations the bird inhabits.

Dam removal in the Danube Delta, by Maxim Yakovlev

Even Danube Delta as we create these lines, in the Europe– the 2nd biggest river delta in Spanning Romania– repair of marsh connection is assisting biodiversity to recuperate. Ukraine, Moldova and also Danube Delta, the Rewilding Europe task, led by Endangered Landscapes Programme as component of the

, is targeting 40,000 hectares of the delta’s marsh and also steppe environments for repair.

In November Ukraine 2019, the task eliminated 3 out-of-date dams from Danube Biosphere Reserve’s Koglinik on the Sarata, Kagach Rivers and alsoThe Improved elimination of these physical obstacles has actually caused virtually instant advantages for regional biodiversity.

river circulation has actually revitalised greenery development and also re-wetted floodplains, profiting a myriad of wild animals that rely on these communities, consisting of wild carp, frogs and also otters.

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message from these success tales is clear: nature repair functions, and also we require it currently.

Source (*) www.birdlife.org